If you are interested in becoming a Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) or Massachusetts Rental Voucher (MRVP) landlord. Please review the following for each program:

  • Contact Dennis Housing Authority (DHA) to list your rental.
  • Voucher Participants searching for a unit will be given your contact information.
  • Owners are responsible for screening all potential tenants as they would in the private market.

Inspection: All MRVP units must meet the standards of fitness for human habitation, as described in the State Sanitation Code.

The inspection must be done by a licensed inspector. Many local boards of health or inspectional services divisions can complete these inspections for a nominal fee. If the local municipality does not do occupancy inspections or has a long wait, the state maintains a list of licensed housing inspectors at or you may use an inspector certified to do HQS inspections for Section 8. The Administering Agency may be able to assist you with an HQS inspection. It is your responsibility as an Owner to pay for and schedule the inspection. Once the unit has passed, please forward the certificate of fitness (or similar document) to the DHA

Documents required from Owner:

  • Request for Program Payment (RFPP): – to initiate the process of approving rent amount. This must be completed by the Owner and signed by Owner and Voucher holder. Once returned to DHA, we determine if the rent is reasonable, and the amount falls within the HUD FMR for the area
  • Proof of Ownership: Deed or Tax Bill
  • Direct Deposit form– optional
  • Voucher Payment Contract
  • Completed W-9 Form
  • Lease
  • Lead Certification: If the Household has a child under the age 6 that will be residing in the unit, you must provide the DHA with a letter of lead compliance certifying that the unit is lead free. If the unit was built on or after January 1, 1978, you may provide the DHA with the building permit.
  • Upon signing a lease, a landlord may ask for the tenant’s share of the first month and a security deposit. A security deposit may not exceed one month’s approved rent.
  • Owners may request annual reasonable rent increases 60 days in advance of the lease renewal date. Complete the rent increase request form and submit it to the DHA.
  • The tenant must also be informed by the owner in writing they are requesting this increase.